Quilted Silk Hood


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This is a winter hood taken off of a pattern from Peterson's Magazine, 1859. There was another hood that resembles the Quilted Silk Hood in Godey's. My reproduction is made of black cotton velveteen fabric and a tiny cranberry red and white check silk taffeta. Here is the Peterson's Magazine description:

"Quilted silk hood.

  This hood is particularly warm and nice for evening wear. It may be made of silk of any color, wadded and quilted: blue, crimson, currant-color, and black, all look well. The face should be lined with white, or with any color which will contrast well with the outside: for instance, if the hood is black, cherry-color will be charming, or if green, rose-color. There is a quilling of ribbon, of the color of the hood, to be put on the cape, the crown, and the part of the face that turns back. The bow and strings should be the color of the lining. We annex diagrams, one being half the cape, and the other half of the upper part."

And here is the Godey's description (note: two hood engravings are shown, I have only included No. 1 description here.):

"Hoods for sea voyage and sea-shore.

  Now that a sea voyage is as common every year as a trip to the sea-shore once was, our styles for a comfortable hood will be appreciated by those who have felt the want of such an article.

  No. 1 is of a dark brown, green, or blue silk; the upper point or fanchon, the curtain, and the brim, trimmed with a quilling of ribbon the same shade. It is becoming as well as serviceable shape, and the short, round corners make it decidedly new, as is also..."


Note: You can also find this same hood on the marquise.de site, only it is referred to as "Quilted Cap."