Usher's Ferry Civil War Reenactment

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Usher's Ferry is a little village set around the late 19th century. Although it's a bit later than our time period, they have a Civil War reenactment every year. This year our group decided to secure a house for the day. Yes, it is a house from a later era, but it's better than a tent! We were able to have our own dinner and offer some guests a small afternoon repast. There is a dining room right next to the parlor and a kitchen in the back where we washed the dishes and prepared the food. There is an oven, but since most of us did not know how to use it, we prepared our food before we came to the house. We even got to use some of the dishes from the house! Don't worry, we made sure to wash everything we used before and after using it! Although we did not experience nearly what it really would have been like to live in the mid 19th century, I felt like we did get some experience and some experience is better than nothing! 




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